Done commission of Rean Schwarzer and Valimar the Ashen Knight for a friend.

2 5

魔女さんへささぐ! お誕生日
 道化師カンパネルラ 執行者の中で謎がとても多く見た目も私もとても好きでして出てきたらテンション↑   

7 39

"Do you think Instructor Rean will like my new hairstyle?" Altina with the CinnaMiku Hair.

26 51

軌跡や猫好き同志のあやはたさんと合作して頂きました😺 猫ポーズセリーヌと真似ようとして猫ポーズを恥ずかしがるエマ 

25 90

Patreon reward from of Rean Schwarzer and Laura S. Arseid being cute together ⚔️💙 ⚔️

30 56

Trails of Cold Steel 2
Developed by
Localization by
Amazing game so far, definitely will pick up ToCS 3 and 4.

24 48

Chibi Crow because I obviously have no self-control. Maybe change the background later

23 61