

He/They 🏳️‍🌈 Bachelor I’m fine arts 2022 CIA, multimedia artist, shiny hunter, bayojeanne, animal enjoyer, ACNH creator ID MA-7072-5040-1240

フォロー数:428 フォロワー数:90

Anyways idc barbaracle is like one of the coolest Pokémon of all time and seems like the most fun shit to animate, also it’s shiny serves.

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THESE ARE THE ONLY (huntable) GEN 5 POKÉMON I DONT HAVE SHINIES OF AND ITS GONNA DRIVE ME INSANE, I have caught every Cryog when I do DA in SWSH but I legit have no way to hunt the hog other than Pokémon go and white2 after I get my snivy

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Warm up for the day but I really like Cetitan from

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Gets the original piece

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then get angry at this stupid fish and how they thought under any circumstances that land was better than the water. I wanna go back in time and strangle them just like the EoE scene on that gay little shore, dooming all I care about to the allure of being a fish

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So I might have really enjoyed Pokémon Solar Light and Lunar Dark (and am still playing it now oop)

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