

He/They 🏳️‍🌈 Bachelor I’m fine arts 2022 CIA, multimedia artist, shiny hunter, bayojeanne, animal enjoyer, ACNH creator ID MA-7072-5040-1240

フォロー数:434 フォロワー数:92

Hope this dies in a fire again

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Finally hatched shiny Armaldo, but the question is, what do I name her. Spore images are the options

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Literally am 48 minutes late cause new bike cannot handle snow and just made me walk even slower than if I didn’t have it, to top it off I left my pills all 48 minutes up hill at home

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The feminine urge to look exactly like attack form deoxys

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Currently mines La Graciosa the carnivine. The thistle hes named after has a pale yellow yellow flower and is a rare species as it’s endangered. Also, it’s name literally translates to The Funny, which I think fits as carninives are just big goof balls.

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It’s my bday tomorrow wait

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So I’m in a 3D modeling class and our final is a dinosaur but it is flexible if you pitch it. So what if I ask him if I can model bowser with the intent of making more then just bowser

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Adding these two to my Ship List

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