

フォロー数:201 フォロワー数:17617

*puts both of my fixations side by side*

O-oh.... huh........... hm.

2 146

I got this adoptable as a birthday gift from . So far I just open it up every day, look at it, and go "Yeah, I'd really rather be this cute fuzzy moth today."

2 165

Hadn't drawn myself for two years, or really drawn at all. Both feel good.

7 600

Hi are we all dating or... can I apply to be a music alien too??? It's been a long time just lmk whenev.

0 49

this is my ElfQuest books 1-4 read-through thread please mute if you don't care about:
✅ Elves
✅ Wolves
✅ Fantasy
✅ Aliens
✅ My lingering sanity

5 196

I will be grieving for the foreseeable future

3 53

Oops, all Walnut.

34 782