

A VOICE FOR ANIMALS The official page for the coolest hottest most overweight fledgling sabretooth dragon on the planet: Lucinda Hare ~The Dragonsdome Chronicle

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The long wait is over, with my new print copy in hand, I can finally rush out to tell all my friends to embark upon this immensely spellbinding and intelligently written fantasy series on dragons which do everything except lie around guarding useless piles of gold

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Great book
Found this book a couple of years ago, I may be in my 60’s but honestly this is a book for all ages. Loved it and made me want to go on to the following books in this series. Well done to Lucinda Hare, great read, an author I would strongly recommend.

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Free to download tomorrow for two days

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An amazing book inspired you reluctant reader 12 year old dyslexic to pick up a book & stick with it (a tough ask for any author)!!! Really well written & constructed, but also a heartwarming story about a band of misfits that build their own future and family against great odds

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This is magical story of dragons and goblins and good and evil. You won't be
able to put it down!

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Great read children & adult Quenelda isn't like other young girls
of her age & has trouble fitting in Root from a humble background has
his own troubles The two finally become friends & together prove that
you don't have 2 be popular or look great 2 be able 2 do amazing things

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10/10 In short this is a book for everyone. Want to enter Hare’s world – pick up this book? You don’t have to have read the Dragonsdome Chronicles to understand this (but they are brilliant –so you really should read them!

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