

A VOICE FOR ANIMALS The official page for the coolest hottest most overweight fledgling sabretooth dragon on the planet: Lucinda Hare ~The Dragonsdome Chronicle

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World building ~ Authors don't conjur ideas out of thin air. Often we dig deep into our memory and experiences, or it is the mundane, the day to day of our lives. So it is in The Sorcerers Glen. The White Sorcerer rides a BSA Bantam D14, any yes, you've guessed I drive one...

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All the excitement of the story is contained within the seemingly quiet village of Thistlebure but with a twist. The heroin, Lucy Pemberton isn't contained in the limits of our four dimensional world, no, her mind can reach the fifth dimension.

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The Dragon Whisperer
The Grand Master of the Sorcerers Guild
and Tangnost Bearhugger, BoneCracker Commando veteran and Dragon Master to the Earl Rufus DeWinter, Commander of the Stealth Dragon Services

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A tale hatched from Hare’s real-life experiences & devotion to all kinds of animals The Dragon Whisperer follows Earl’s daughter & dragon whisperer 11 year old Quenelda Her best friend is a battle-dragon with the cautionary name of Two Gulps & You’re Gone

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"One of the most captivating new books to be published for some time . . . It made me laugh, cry and remember exactly what's so special about the time when you or your child live in hope of finding a dragon of your own" (Amanda Craig The Sunday Times)

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One of the first books I bought for my kindle. I held it in reserve to read when ready. Why did I wait so long? Powerfully written, a great read from start to finish. I am not ashamed to say it made me cry, but left me wanting more. Brilliant!

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This is a great story told well & you can really get into it I even stopped going on the computer I love dragon books especially when they team up with humans Half way through I bought the next two books <buy>If you want a flight into fantasy with characters you can relate to.

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I loved how her magic is different and how the story progressed. Cant wait to read more! The characters are well balanced and the storyline is consistent.

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I am a 62 year old woman who loves dragons. I have just finished this series in less that a week What a ride I was taken on This is not a children's book It is quite frankly a superb fantasy adventure for all ages and the film rights need to be snapped up

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Couldn't put it down. Not just for children. Well written and you feel like you are there in the story!

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