

A VOICE FOR ANIMALS The official page for the coolest hottest most overweight fledgling sabretooth dragon on the planet: Lucinda Hare ~The Dragonsdome Chronicle

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Real life jousts took place in open fields called the list or list-field with the two combatants separated by a low fence, & in that one respect I have had to adapt the story to take account of dragons. In The Dragon Whisperer, the winter jousts take place in a vast amphitheatre.

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Absolute Genius!
ByBrendan O'gormanon
This book is brillant, it combines the magic of dragons with historc female suppression. Making it a must read! I coald read this book forever. Can't wait for the next book!

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The dastardly Grand Master of course is cheating. His mount Midnight Madness is a carnivorous battledragon in disguise, & Duke Grenville is carrying real weapons. And no one apart from you & Quenelda knows her father the Earl Rufus is in deadly danger. What happens next? read on.

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so if it were you at the famous Winter Jousts at the Cauldron, what coat of armour would you display? design one and send it to me

0 0 are astride your highly trained jousting dragon. Your heart is thumping, the sound in your head magnified by your helmet. Both you and your dragon are wearing your lord's bright coat of arms over your padded jousting armour.

0 0 are an esquire to Quenelda in The Dragon Whisperer...the worst possible 'honour' as Quenelda destroys esquires. None of them can fly as well as she can and several have ended up in the loch or trees with broken legs or arms trying to keep up...

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Quenelda's elder brother Darcy doesn't like flying. Animals are his to command. beasts of burden. He is cruel and unable to control battle trained dragons. When he takes a battlegriff he soon gets into difficulties and Quenelda has to rescue him in front of all at Dragonsdome

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So what kind of dragon could you handle? Root doesn't want to be anywhere near the tempramental sabretooth Two Gulps & You're Gone...a lethal fire breathing combination of talons, tail and teeth. One mistake and you are toast. Or minus a head! Poor Root!

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Imagine talking to dragons...for aged 9 years +

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