

A VOICE FOR ANIMALS The official page for the coolest hottest most overweight fledgling sabretooth dragon on the planet: Lucinda Hare ~The Dragonsdome Chronicle

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Native American influence underpins all my writing. It is particularly obvious in my choice of dragon names. I am a passionate Tolkein fan...but I left his names behind for descripitve names that enrich a sense of identity ~ Two Gulps & You're Gone for Quenelda's first dragon

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Flight to Dragon Isle
My Daughter had read the first one so wanted the next.She has already read it and is wanting the next which isn`t even out yet.She read it as soon as she recieved it..One very happy mum all round.Thank-you :-)

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Flight to Dragon Isle

This book is amazing couldn't put it down. It's full of sadness and heartbreaking moment, however it also has a humorous side to help drown the horror that you find happening to the dragons. Can't wait for the next book.

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Dragons! Mythical magical scaled horned and winged they frighten and thrill us Dragons cast an enduring glamour on young readers and adults alike A tiny bit of our minds rationalises that they might have once existed there is hardly a culture on the planet that does not have them

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from Flight to Dragon Isle rough sketch and final drawing
not as scary as I had intended...

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Book two second edition out soon.....
From Flight to Dragon Isle
Bubble bubble toil and trouble...
Root and Quenelda on a SDS battlegriff heading for brimstone mine...

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wildlife art...not dragons....but interesting.....

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Oh my god!
This book was amazing, i loved it. i read books on a daiy basis and this is my fvourite one. Seriously !

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