RegressCo H.R.さんのプロフィール画像

RegressCo H.R.さんのイラストまとめ

RegressCo, we make even the little guy feel big. Paychecks are weekly or biweekly, diaper checks are as needed.

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Something brand new is coming to RegressCo! Anyone want to take a guess at what it might be?

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The powder residue on the copiers is starting to make getting clean scans very near impossible. We can’t believe we have to say this, but the copiers are flat paper documents only, no diapers please. A photocopy of clean pants won’t dodge a diaper check anyways.


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Ever wanted to use Teddies diapers in your own art? Thanks to a helping hand from , you can use this clear reference guide to do so! Remember, “it’s as comfy as a hug from a teddy bear, Teddies”!

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Sometimes you get a Ready Bear who's just a little too excited for their latest purchase. Teddies' brand new active fit diapers, "for regressees on the go, who can't help when they go". And Ollie had us all convinced that he was potty trained this regression.


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No matter how sure you are you don’t need to go, sit on the potty for a few~ minutes before a meeting. No one appreciates having to do their presentation through your very giggly change at the other side of the conference table.

(Art: , featuring )

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Sometimes you need to use small words to explain big concepts like reorganization and downsizing. Sometimes, it’s just easier to tell a toddler. Don’t worry Ollie, your new department has its own wipe warmer and teddy bear assistants! (Art by )

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We have, for the time being, struck a compromise. Negotiations will continue anew. (Ayami and art by !)

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In the age of Karens, be sure to be patient(or at least pretend like you are). Remember, regardless of how small you’ve regressed and how legendary your tantrums are: her’s will be worse and louder. Far worse and far louder. (Featuring Ramsey, With art by )

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When you're the size of a toddler, are constantly checked like a toddler, and are surrounded by people who act like toddlers, sometimes its tough to not slip into more...childish habits. At least at RegressCo, there's a steady supply of diapers for you. (art by )

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Sometimes RegressCo has to make personnel adjustments on the fly, and it might leave employees feeling a little short-staffed. It’s okay though, with Ollie’s shifted perspective on things he’ll be able to pad his numbers and pamper himself a little. (Art by )

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