Did You Know: Isgareth Bee Honey was rumored to grant a person eating it immortality, as long as they continued to eat it regularly? This rumor would drive the bee to extinction, as the Altmer population would destroy entire hives while harvesting their honey.
"In my experience, Daedric Princes are much like cheese: some of them are hard, some of them are soft, and some of them have blue veins running through their substance."
Vex: "Delvin, that last shipment we heisted on the Cyrodiil frontier was worthless!"
Delvin: "That's impossible. I distinctly heard that lout in the tavern say it was a full shipment of furs. They should be worth a fortune."
Vex: "You idiot. He said "firs" not "furs"."
"Such potential in this one! Through dreams of inspiration, I have nurtured literary talent into fruition, and now he stands in acclaim as an emerging bard and poet! He will gain much favor before I tire of him."
--Vaermina, praising one of her followers to Sheogorath.
A thought: Alduin seemed to focus more on the locals of Helgen, instead of you. Was he aware of the common trope of the villain destroying the home village of the hero, and as such considered you to be a low risk of being the Dragonborn?
Something I Recently Realized: Because of the Acrobatics skill in various TES games, I have been conditioned to constantly jump in any game with a jumping mechanic.
DYK: Dwemer Cities have names that can be translated to our language? Some examples include:
Bthar-Zel -- Allied City
Kagrenzel -- Music City
Fal'Zhardum Din -- Blackest Kingdom Reaches
Arkngthunch-Sturdumz -- Graveyard of the Ghost Invaders or Where Bread Becomes Toast