

The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages: Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995

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To you whom We have seen
Stalking at night by eyes keen
Transcendant of savages
Sating thirst sans avarice
Your coffers stay stuffed
By social graces robust
None know your nature;
save Us
None share your fate;
save Us
None welcome you as kin;
save Us.

Manifesto Cyrodiil Vampyrum

13 117

"A fearsome weapon, and steeped in the ancient evil of its master. May its deadly power turn good, for once."
--Mace of Molag Bal

"I'll sleep better once this keepsake of Namira is gone from my possession. A good choice for our purpose, though."
--Ring of Namira

2 89

"The proper way to repay a favor, is not to. Pass it on instead."

--Excerpt from The First Scroll of Baan Dar, Baan Dar encouraging a child he had saved to help others like he helped him.

24 189

16. Sword of Jyggalag
The Sword of Jyggalag is rightfully near the bottom of this list. For all practical purposes, this Sword is a regular claymore. Maybe Jyggalag hasn’t returned yet because he’s trying to create a better artifact to offer adventurers.

4 62

Did You Know: The people of Tamriel have their own days of the week? In place of ours, they have:

Sunday -> Sundas
Monday -> Morndas
Tuesday -> Tirdas
Wednesday -> Middas
Thursday -> Turdas
Friday -> Fredas
Saturday -> Loredas

49 449

"Mercy is not an act of weakness. Rather, it is an act of strength to rise above our greatest inner turmoils. They'll never realize the power that mercy has...

"Those who don't believe in mercy must believe in fear."

--Colby Rangouze, Priest of the Divines

25 182

Never refuse aid you are capable of providing.

Go among the infirm and the wounded wherever you find them.

Offer prayer to Stendarr every day.

Do not hoard wealth or indulge physically.

31 212

E is for Elisif the Fair, Jarl of Solitude

F is for Finoriell, the feral nature of the Bosmer made manifest

G is for Gedna, the Lich of Mournhold

H is for Heita-Meen, Vicecanon of Stormhold

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A is for Ayrenn Arana Aldmeri, the Unforseen Queen, and the Founder of the Dominion

B is for Barenziah, who would shape an Era

C is for Clivia Tharn, the first Tharn on the Ruby Throne

D is for the Drake of Blades, the Dragonguard dedicated to saving the Imperial City

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TES Memory: Walking from Morrowind to Solstheim.

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