

The Unofficial Elder Scrolls Pages: Your source for The Elder Scrolls since 1995

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Did You Know: Besides the magic anomaly's ability to continuously raise its level, the highest leveled NPC in Skyrim is Arngeir, at level 150? The other Greybeards are also high leveled, with Borri and Wulfgar at level 100, and Einarth at level 90.

12 168

Did You Know: Cyrodilic society has four standard meals a day?

35 375

"You really shouldn't have done that. Enjoy the view."
--Sheogorath's response to you attacking him, followed by him teleporting you into a lethal fall

24 195

"My mama and papa left me all alone, and I'm so very hungry."
--A Little Girl

17 146

Something that has been on my mind for a while: If Vivec did not shave his head his hair would look ridiculous.

12 189

"Remember this always, son of the north - a Nord is judged not by the manner in which he lived, but the manner in which he died."
--From "A Dream of Sovngarde", line attributed to Ysgramor

17 113

Pictured: The Golden Saint Staada, as she has appeared in Morrowind, Oblivion, Elder Scrolls Online, and Legends.

34 239

When you're a bandit and one of the new guys say something "Must be my imagination".

6 118

"The Mer must unite at last or be consumed one by one."
--YR, Military Attaché for the Thalmor

12 91

TES Memory: Seeing the transformation of Solstheim.

36 318