Vincent van Meowoghさんのプロフィール画像

Vincent van Meowoghさんのイラストまとめ

Official Twitter for Meowogh, the lovable cat painter from #CatsAtelier! An ultimate procrastinator, natural airhead, and life-loving painter. ( =^ω^=)/♪

フォロー数:30 フォロワー数:314

I just LOVE fireworks! The sound, the colors, the smell, everything! Seeing the Eiffel Tower lit up sure was inspiring! One day I hope to create a painting so spectacular that it stirs people's hearts just like fireworks! Happy Bastille Day, everyone! Viva La France!

4 17

Theo has this weird habit where his nose twitches right before he sneezes. I guess it's kind of a warning sign for others to get out of the way, you know? Like "Sneeze Incoming! Take Cover!" For such a tiny mouse, he sure does sneeze loud. Maybe it's a genetic thing?

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The other day I was arguing with Monet about pancake toppings. (He eats way too much, btw) Personally, strawberries and fresh whipped cream just can’t be beaten, but he was saying, “Maple syrup and butter is the only choice for a true connoisseur!” What do you guys think?

2 11

Mr. Fortune has a special summer sale this weekend on Miracle Paints guaranteed to give any painting a genius touch. Picasso said he's got all the genius he needs, Dali said something weird as usual, and Theo said: "Don't waste your money, Meowogh!" What should I do?

1 5

I feel like going to the beach today. I love to feel the sand between my paws, the smell of the salty air, and the sound of the waves gently crashing on the shore. What? Go for a swim? Don’t be silly! I like my sardines in a can, they’re much easier to catch that way. ;3

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I wanted to paint a self-portrait today, but I caught a cold and kept sneezing so I couldn’t sit still... I guess it’s pretty lame when you can’t even pose properly for your own portrait. Maybe I’ll just make some tea and take a nap?

4 13

TGIF. That’s what everyone says, and I say it too, but what about people who work on weekends? Do they have a special phrase? Or what if you just happen to like Thursdays? Sometimes I wonder about that kind of stuff.

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I need to think of a new prank to play on Theo, but I’m all out of ideas. I need your help! Let me know your prank ideas (nothing too scary please) and let’s try to come up with something hilarious.

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I can't believe a month has passed already! Time flies like an arrow... I'm thinking of working on a requested piece today, so wish me luck!

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I couldn't sleep so I made some pasta with frozen veggies. I think I'm going to paint something until Theo wakes up. Is there anyone up at this hour?

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