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Pues este seria el primer tweet en español que hago, y pues, es por que siento que hay mas gente española que conoce a lila xD. Pues, este es mi primer dibujo en tableta grafica! (apenas me llego hoy :D), y pues, me gusto a mi como quedo :3. Espero les guste!

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Hey! Recently the matt wiik3 fanmade mod came out and i played it... And... IT WAS AMAZING!!! ALL 4 SONGS WERE SICK! SOOO.... I really need to draw matt! Hes a cool character and i really love hes personality! I also love hes desing in wiik3!

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Hey! It has been a time since i upload a drawing. This time i decide to draw zardy from zardys maze! Pretty cool character and pretty cool game!, Hope you like the drawing nwn.

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Well this is a drawing of casandra, or, cassandra?dk. This is a casandra drawing, and at this point, is my favorite drawing of all the drawings that i have made. I hope you like this.

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Yeah, i decided to draw nene, cuz, why not? Hope you like it! This is my first time drawing like a, full body? idk. lmao

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Yes, my last drawing that its beeing re-upload from my devianrt profile. Its annie :D, its one of my favorite drawings, hope you like it :3
Dato originally uploaded: April 10, 2021.

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Hey! This drawings its kinda simple but i like it nwn. And its another that its re-upload from my devianrt qwq

Date originally uploaded: March 31, 2021

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Hey! This would be my first drawing to be re-uploaded, this drawing was originally from devianrt, but as I explained, now I want to start everything here. It's a whitty drawing, simple, but I liked it :3.

Date originally uploaded: Febreaury 16, 2021

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