


Art Account turned Personal Account
New art account: @Vertigouge

Free Palestine

フォロー数:2001 フォロワー数:2926
# dnd

this made more sense in my head

5 147

in regards to practicality, it's hard to really say if this could work lol.
due to the orientation of the tang in regards to the main blade, the force will lead down to the pommel instead of the handle, which may or may not be a good or bad thing, its hard to really say for sure.

0 5

Curved Sword concept

5 49

Corpse Grinder. A moslty metallic being forced to walk the battlefields of Sithis to clean up the bodies of fallen soldiers. The ground up bodies used as the common processed meat for civilians.

8 74

Character sketch. Bearer of the Corroded Starplate.

6 44

Plasmoid wizard character :)

2 35

wyrmidion mage-hunter

4 26

Sentinel of Rusted Iron

3 43