


Art Account turned Personal Account
New art account: @Vertigouge

Free Palestine

フォロー数:2001 フォロワー数:2926

concept i didnt feel like finishing

4 61

Gremlin appreciation month

10 53

Doodle of the day

2 29

The one and only intelligence build I've ever done. I'm kind of obsessed with this design though.

4 17

decided to lay off darksoulsdaily for one day to watch madness movies with friends today, so in compensation have a really rough havel sketch

1 17

Lurking the Lower Undead Burg, lies the ever patient Capra Demon. Awaiting the Chosen Undeads descent into the depths.

13 54

Finalized Design of my Bronzeblood.

1 23

relog production is going great, i've been staring at this frame for an hour because swivel has decided rendering this frame in particular is too much of a pain for its tiny feeble hands to muster.

9 85