

🌙 | Just a silly lil fella | The world is beautiful because it is not. | 余所目、意欲 、矛盾 | 🎭

フォロー数:3053 フォロワー数:1548

I'm tired of being tired

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Feel really alone lately + stressed out, not doing well myself, hope things get better for you man.

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She takes a very long time in the bath

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Mari is a very cute onee-san :)

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I want a Dana Nendoroid so bad

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been so exhausted from taking care of two large litters of puppies that I keep messing up every little thing I do + anything I eat makes me feel sick, think I got a bad stomach bug, keep getting on & off fevers, it's all a bit too much sometimes, I hope you feel better soon fren

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Not having a great few weeks myself, feel like a useless sack of nothing more and more lately but I know I shouldn't think like that, hope we both feel better fren.

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I keep gaslighting myself with my speaker system as I swear it sounded off all day only to discover I alternated the wires to the wrong channel AGAIN and left was playing right and etc :))))))))))))))))

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