
#BLM | Goblin/Undead Enthusiast. | She/Her
30+ RPer
Minors DNI
Pfp by @okayheyoallfia

フォロー数:423 フォロワー数:628

Honestly, that's one thing I noticed about Pathfinder. Monsters and creatures have a ton of flavor in their statblocks that tell stories in and of themselves.

Like Cowardly Commander on its own tells me, as DM, how to play this one.

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I'll start.

Fiona is an avid student of the arcane. She has friends in Dalaran's libraries who hand her the latest books of theories by famous archmages.

Pfrymlona on the other hand is an avid gardener. Gardening helps her find peace from her busy social life and training.

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Easily Fiona. Like no question. I named it after my goblin but Fiona's the one that most recognize.

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I might. The one with the most character development was Danzy. Priest of Lordaeron turned cultist who found sanity and a second chance with the Argents.

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Oh wow! thank you for the chance. So I'll offer these two ladies. Pfrymlona the Roegadyn and Charlotte the Elf.

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Ahoy! Today is Tuesday and that means OC question day. But given what day it is, I feel like I have to ask.

"Tell me about something or someone that your OC loves. What and whom do they appreciate? And remember, love doesn't have to be romantic or even sexual."


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No stream tonight, I'm taking the day off to rest and recover. So see ya'll next week when I introduce Thursday Night Throwdowns into the stream schedule.

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Heya Hiya friends!

So, silly little request. But I'd love to see OCs dancing. So, if you've got screens or art of your OCs dancing, share them below!

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Good Night Friends,

Today was a lovely day and I hope yours was too. If not, let's sleep on it and make tomorrow better.

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