

I play story-driven games on YouTube: anything from fantasy to sci-fi, indie to AAA. youtube.com/@welonzpatreon.com/materwelonz • Biz: [email protected]

フォロー数:198 フォロワー数:6391

first time in the office in half a year and waking up early sucks!!!!!

1 114

Orcs, elves, and succubi go to their local coffee shop to relax and be subjected to Welonz's earth-shattering latte art in


1 46

i lent out my tablet so we are back to the dark mouse + ms paint ages, forgive me for cheating

1 63

sorry i am in a rush today lmao. tomorrow!

1 38

waiting for the fedex guy to bring me the game about the fedex guy so videos should start tomorrow

1 91

first look of a riveting story of patriotism

0 32

your pets are starving

0 0

my neopets account is old enough to graduate from high school this year... they grow up so fast!!

2 53