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Whale Tales🐳🐋🐬さんのイラストまとめ

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Be careful under the mistletoe this year 😉 😘

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Today is  Its estimated that less than 10 of these animals remain, making the vaquita the most endangered marine mammal in the world. Head to  for more info on how you can help.

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It's  Did you know Vaquita's are the smallest species of porpoise & also the only one to live in warm water? They are found exclusively in the Gulf of California where they hunt for small fish and squid in shallow lagoons.

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Today is  Did you know it can take up to 500 years for a plastic bag to disintegrate? Bring your own and take a step towards reducing plastic marine debris.⠀

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Happy Star Wars Day! May the fourth be with you and all the Narwhal Jedi's out there!
PC: Rebel Art Design

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MT : There are two types of baleen whales & toothed whales. Baleen whales have hard plates in their mouths made out of keratin, which acts as a sieve. Toothed whales have teeth!
🎨 Robyn Luk, a Humpback, Minke, gray, sperm & Orca

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MT : Due to human activity, the amount of ocean noise has been on the rise which make it difficult for whales to communicate & hear important sounds. Learn how NOAA is working to minimize the impacts of ocean noise: https://t.co/AyIIzX4nnv https://t.co/2LlDsg19Gj

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Still looking for tips on how to have a greener holiday season? You can check out c for tips on green gifts and ideas for decorating, wrapping and food!
🎨: Tina Van Dijk Art

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MT : A fun fact this humpback mothers are often very protective of their calves! On average, each female produces another calf every 2-3 yrs. This adorable pair is by Angela M., gr. 9, Oliver Ames HS, 2017 Marine Art Contest

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