

Trying to make the best out of things

フォロー数:107 フォロワー数:514

These are just the facts.

47 299

I prefer Shadow's superform to be white and red instead of the normal gold. It looks better on him and sets him apart from Sonic and Silver.

36 177

What do these four games have in common?

12 140

The "Spooky villain who you think is in control only for it to be Eggman all along" starter pack.

20 114

So he destroyed him. He didn't say "Well, it's HIS choice. So let him go for him to be a potential danger!" Metal made his decision and he choose wrong even when he DID have free will and even after second (Heroes) AND third chance of mercy.

9 32

They are, dangit. It's not their fault the writers won't acknowledge their friendship.

Or acknowledge Cream's existence at all.....

5 24

LW had:

- A brand new world for World Building/Lore
- New creatures of an unseen species
- The planet getting drained
- Tails getting kidnapped and robotized
- Sonic & Eggman working together again
- The Deadly 6 being the first new villains of the 2010 era

And wasted it.

93 538

"Movie Sonic is a better design than Modern because he's more expressive"


813 4170

Ever thought about the Sol Emeralds and their abilities? I mean, sure, we got the obligatory super form but I mean other abilities. Like can the Sol Emeralds do their own version of Chaos Control? Sol Control? Are there Hyper Sol Emeralds? Hyper Blaze? (Blue fire, please) Hmm...

4 7

The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

682 1666