

Arts on a grand scale.The great affair! Perspectives on all facets of the arts. header: Impeccable table setting fit for a King by none other than Vatel..!

フォロー数:1893 フォロワー数:3580

A type of film..many a men swear they live by ~MX

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A Tardy Greeting: "Happy Mother's Day!.. to all..
to all )))..)) )

Jean Fouquet's "Virgin & Child surounded b Angels" circa 1450

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Soap Bubbles 1733-34
French oil painting of Jean Baptiste Simeon Chardin

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Looking Back

~A. Cavenaugh

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Finally..into the light of day. At Last..!

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Better yet: This one's fresh off the burner.."MY CHOCOLATE IS MELTING!!!!"~MX

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Daydreaming into a past via heavenly paintings of Pierre-Auguste Renoir~
Beginning with~Alphonsine Fournaise..then Theater Box..and last of all... " The Rowers Lunch"

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You, like every human being are a storyteller by birthright, born w/an endless supply of personal and universal themes. It is important to open yourself to receive this vast wealth within you~Nancy Mellon

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Its she remained as calm & collective on the outside, while all along she suffered immensely of her injuries on the inside. Perhaps, that is the true and best definition of what a strong woman is.

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