

Age: Old enough|Gender: fuck off| pronouns: go fuck yourself | Status: NOT MAIDENLESS| Gundam | Berserk | Neon Genesis Evangelion | Hollow knight | Castlevania

フォロー数:1796 フォロワー数:648

Yesh with a series finale like that it hurts alot

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Aint no way raphael or any of the turtles could stand a chance against him imo

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We have legit coffins for monsters and capes

Alina: crosses are offensive

Also alina: but coffins for capes and weapons thats fine

Also lets throw in a burning witch there too 💀

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2.1 and still npcs don’t stay in game after main story or character story is done 😭😭

Also whoever thought fucking sudoku was a great feature for the game needs to face the wrath of rock

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I mean you could go rogue like with light armor or a type of armor that still shows her skin

Like my oc yuri or talon

Yuri has that symbiote like shit going on but still reveals quite alot

Or talon whos basically naked but looks like she isn’t

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I thought you both followed psns personal?

How you expect me to know

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