

Age: Old enough|Gender: fuck off| pronouns: go fuck yourself | Status: NOT MAIDENLESS| Gundam | Berserk | Neon Genesis Evangelion | Hollow knight | Castlevania

フォロー数:1796 フォロワー数:648
# bleach

I have no words to describe how good this episode is

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I think its self explanatory

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Erika: wants to follow everyone

Twitter: yeah about that


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I swear man if you havent watched bleach I'm telling ya guys go watch it

Dont listen to them pansy ass Twitter folks that trash the series without watching or reading

Its goated in so many ways and the story, writing and acting is just top notch and grade a quality

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Honestly theres something to be said about the GOAT that is

If you dont have at the very least episode 166-167 ichigo vs grimjow as one of your top 10 favorite bleach fights and orhime and ichigo as top 10 anime couples then

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Man I swear bleach got some goated villains and art

Now I understand why wanted me to watch this for the longest time

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Such an under rated goat of a villain my god just look at grimjow 😩🙏

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Am i not allowed to voice and have my own opinion

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