Yonni 🦑🦆 Hiatus.さんのプロフィール画像

Yonni 🦑🦆 Hiatus.さんのイラストまとめ

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フォロー数:1000 フォロワー数:1639

Ohey there, Outer Eye! Thanks for the art share and congrats on 1234 followers! I'm Yonni, just an aspiring digital artist trying to find her style and improve daily. I'm into DnD, too many fandoms, and monsters. (PS, I absolutely adore your stuff). 💖

4 15

ALMOST FORGOT. Sketchtember Day 12: Flowers. Drew a cutie!Cole from Dragon Age, because he must be protected at all costs.

5 13

Ohey there, Mikey! Thanks for the art share. I'm Yonni, just an aspiring digital artist who's hopefully slowly improving. I'm into DnD stuff, fanart and crafting too many OC's. 💖

Here's some of my recent stuff:

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Nica. Stoic, stony-faced Commander who also has fabulous hair. Considers her squad her kids.

1 8

Congrats on 750, Igkee!! Thanks for the art share. PS, hope everyone's having a great weekend. I'm Yonni, just a dork on a digital art learning journey.

Here's some of my stuff:

3 9

Ohey there, Spooky! Thanks for the art share.

I'm Yonni, just dorko trying to make it in the digital art world. I'm into crating OC's, DnD, trying to learn how to paint and understand color theory, and too many fandoms.

Tagging: , , ! 💖

3 5

Sketchtember Day 11: Gemstone! A good excuse to draw more Dark Souls fanart, so here's a Gem Lizard. They be cuties.

2 13

Hi, Jason! Thanks for the artshare. I'm Yonni, just trying to learn how to digital art one tutorial at a time~ I'm into fantasy fare, DnD, too many fandoms, and surrounding herself with amazing artist moots.

Tagging these lovelies: , and !

7 18

Ohi there, Sahil! Thanks for the artshare.
I'm Yonni, just a dork learning how to digital art. I'm into DnD, fantasy fare, doodling way too much fan art and crafting original characters. 💖💖

2 9

Ohey there, Luna! Thanks for the art share, and congrats on 300+ followers!

I'm Yonni, just learning to find my way in the digital art world. I'm into DnD, crafting OC's, fanart and drawing monsters, tusks, and big teeth.

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