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So FEH has gotten to Joutunheim (Land of the Giants in Norse mythology) but instead of making the ladies there huge, they are just ripped. Now I'm not complaining about some nice looking women with muscles but they could have at least made their sprites bigger or something...
Hard to beat based cuboon's Tana but she is still looking good with her resplendent... Now someone draw her and Erika getting BIG so they can be giant fairy friends. Maybe even have them tease their tiny brothers.
I was digging through my computer and found more custom models that I had rigged up for some projects. I don’t see myself finishing those anytime soon with college RN but I figured I might as well let y’all have the models for fun. Just @ me if you use 'em https://t.co/Rt3M17oWZf
Gwynevere-Guinivere, praise the sun... er um.... praise the orbs! She is such a good unit in FEH, I love her. This is also the last completed commission from the previous year that shall not be mentioned by name... It was done by the great @AnnaProserpine. #fireemblem #giantess
Macross is good and all for size stuff but it’d be better if characters like Milia stayed big or if someone like Emilia got even bigger! A pair of commissions I had done by Inspector97 on DA after I finished Macross 7. A silly series but at least the OVA with Emilia was great.
Okay everyone I think it's confession time...what character(s) are responsible for you having a giantess fetish? For me it's Giganta, primarily the DCAU version since that's the one I grew up watching on TV. I even had this lovely set done by Inspector97 on DA to honor that fact.
I had this lovely commission done by @AnnaProserpine because Altina hard carries my ass at times in FEH and I never see any giantess art with her. Also poor Yune, Kiran should probably tell Altina that they are on the same side right now. #giantess #fireemblem