ZaharaBlu さんのプロフィール画像

ZaharaBlu さんのイラストまとめ

フォロー数:5 フォロワー数:66

Born Giovanni Battista Piazzetta Venetian Rococo 1 of Venice’s outstanding 18th-century artists as art matured it evolved from 17th-century Italian Baroque traditions & embraced Rococo manner Director life drawing Venetian Academy (1750)

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Born Moya Dyring Australian spanned One of 1st women artists to embrace Modernism & exhibit member of Heide Circle art community Later moved to while in France

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… the way for acceptance of female artists Hale wrote History of Art: A Study of the Lives of Leonardo, Michelangelo Raphael Titian and Albrecht Dürer

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Born Moya Dyring Australian & one of first women artists to exhibit inspired paintings in Melbourne Staged successful solo exhibition in Melbourne’s Riddell Gallery (1937) Later based in Paris then Vence & London post-WWII

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… frequently named one greatest movie posters ever made Recognised in 1940s as the creator of 180+ Vargas Girls World War-II era pin-ups for Esquire magazine Created 152 paintings for Playboy magazine over 16 years as career flourished & he had major international exhibitions

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Born Alberto Vargas iconic Peruvian watercolour & airbrush painter of pin-up girls Regarded as one of finest artists in his genre Early career worked as artist for Ziegfeld Follies & Hollywood studios Vargas' most famous film poster was 1933 The Sin of Nora Moran…

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Born Paul Haefliger Australian & Major figures in 1940s & 50s Sydney art world Art critic for Art in Australia & Sydney Morning Herald Helped mould the standards of Australian art during this time

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Born Henry Fuseli Swiss 200+ canvasses on art & “Master of the supernatural” thanks to his inventive designs & methods who spent much of his life in Britain His style influenced many younger British artists such as William Blake

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Born John Perceval AO Australian & last surviving member of Angry Penguins group who redefined Australian art in 1940s Showed regularly at Contemporary Art Society Switched to earthenware ceramics (1949 - 1955) John Perceval A Retrospective held NGV (1992)

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Born Roman Cieślewicz Polish French Produced "reviev of panic information" - "Kamikaze" No. 1 (1976) & "Kamikaze 2" with Agnes B (1991) Won Grand Prix International Exhibition of Film Posters (1964) Grand Prix for Posters (1979)

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