

Aspiring artist || DireWolf || 21 || Likes to draw buff boyos

フォロー数:168 フォロワー数:1016

Quick Sketch: Happy Birthday Legoshi!
I had no idea it was gonna be legoshi's birthday until... today. or maybe yesterday? I don't remember lol so I was like YO I should draw something. Like a quick sketch. So I Smacked out a real quick sketch!

4 23

Smol Pup Zeta
Another snap into the past of Zeta this time!
He's... basically the same as he always was.
Don't let his looks fool you.

7 22

Smol Pup Zed
A snap into the past of Zed as a smol pupper.
How he grew into the beast he is, we'll never know.

7 27

I just realized I finished these two purple eye'd medieval-themed cat boyos on the same day exactly one year apart. You can have a direct comparison with this, I suppose ^w^'

2 11

Personal Art: Snep in the Snow
So I finally put real gosh darn heccin effort into drawing a background for my piece. I chose this one to be a snowy night... in the snow. Cause he's a snep! I'm real proud of this one. We'll see about others backgrounds later. Yup!

8 30

Personal Art WIP: Snep
SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO I've been working on a snep. Turns out, fur patterns for sneps are absolutely KILLER and I hate it. But I love how it's turning out ^w^
I can't wait to show you when I'm done! Doin a proper background for once.

10 31

So a thing was going around where people were drawing fursonas for browsers, so I was ORIGINALLY going to draw adobe flash as a fox that glitched out because he was removed from browsers n stuff.
Thx for teaching me how to do lineless-ish stuff?

23 189

Casual Julius art. Was gonna draw Diedrich but couldn't because spoilers, so I decided to draw Julius in the meantime because why not? Wanted to recreate the closet scene because... why not >w>
Why not, yknow?

15 86

Experiment: Tiger Boi
I hate greyscale rendering. It makes coloring and stuff so hard. I think I'll stick to my old style of rendering. Enough rendering for now, though, I'm... REALLY TIRED. Maybe I'll stick to sketches and basic shading for now lmao

16 54

Sketch: Tiger Boi
Not my actual tiger boi. Or maybe he is? I'm not sure. Maybe this is just a redo of my old tiger boyo. Also, deciding if I want to add electricity. Maybe?

6 47