

Aspiring artist || DireWolf || 21 || Likes to draw buff boyos

フォロー数:168 フォロワー数:1016

Experiment: Lightning?
If'n ya didn't know, my favorite magic isn't actually fire, it's electricity. Decided I'd give it a shot today. What do you think looks best?

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Happy Valentines day, my love~

So yeah, this is what I've been working on for the past... Well, yknow. You don't know how much I wanted to post the wips for this, I was so excited already! I couldn't wait... But I did ^w^'
Happy Valentines, Babe!

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Experiment: Quick Rendering?
So I took the lineart from before and attempted to do a quick render. It looks like a weird mix of my old shading style and my new rendering techniques. Maybe next time I'll try shading a grey version with color overlay. Panther bb!<3

4 25

WIP Art Trade:
This is where I'm currently at with the art trade. Finished the lineart and added the basic colors. We'll see how far he goes with it so I know where to stop. Also, I'll be busy for a while. Probably. So yeah.

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FanArt: Mako from Brawlhalla
Before you guys say anything, I know Mako is supposed to be a girl, but turns out, I don't think she should have breasts anyways cause sharks aren't mammals! Anyways, I main mako in brawlhalla now. Started like... a week ago?

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Personal Art: Character art.
No, I don't know what his name is. I just made him. He's supposed to be my character's step-brother's father. Anyways, I didn't know how to render it because the lightsource is CRAZY! So... I may not have done the rendering.

5 30

I"M NOT DEAD! I swear ^^'...
So anyways! Update! Haven't been drawin much, but I'm doing some character stuff! The next one since last time, (and basically the only one since last time) is my character's (Zed's) dad! I don't know why I made him more attractive.

6 24

Personal Art: Bull Terrier
The door opens and in comes a handsome bull terrier from a long, hard day at work...

I just wanted to make a bull terrier character since I've never done so before. I basically just drew him and let the character design itself! ^^'

7 30

Not-Really-Request: The Beloved Mr. Sandwiches.
A once friendly young yeen, Yennick was a generous and loving husband. Shortly after his wife's passing, he turned to food and drink to distract himself. Poor guy. But he's still a kind and generous yeen to this day.

9 30

Personal Art Finished: Time-skip Zed
So yeah, I finished it! Well, I actually finished it yesterday, but potato tomato. I worked super hard on it! Hopefully you guys like it ^w^ It's one of my best ones yet! I tried to mix my style and what I'd learned together!

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