

Hearthstone beta tester, Twitch partner, and most importantly Canadian twitch.tv/zeddy

Business contact: [email protected]

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Not even going with the real good comparison smh

0 78

If I was to change Mr. Smite, this is how I would do it. He functions the same way as he does now, loses some flavor, but more importantly can't be created by Nellie or summoned by The Juggernaut anymore. Hearthstone needs finishers, just feels bad when they cost 1 mana or less.

6 278

This latest expansion is sweet but holy shit do these two cards suck some serious fun out of everything.

6 232

Today's video talks about the neglect shown towards arena. This was the mode that made me fall in love with Hearthstone and I really wish they would show it some love instead of just saying they care about it. Actions speak a lot louder than words.


1 28

Triangle Strategy looks phenomenal. Might pick it up tomorrow and try and splice it into the streams while we wait for rotation (on top of Hearthstone of course)

0 21

Will be streaming Wild tonight to get out of the dumpster playing Dragon Druid which is super fun. Will also be playing Jump King for the first time later tonight!

6 43

Wild will never be the same.

3 185

This is actually a pretty sick card, a psuedo board clear that Druid desperately needs. Not sure if its good enough but likely a better option than Spammy or Mulverick.

3 68

Was hoping for no more cheap draw btw 🙃

1 184