

Hearthstone beta tester, Twitch partner, and most importantly Canadian twitch.tv/zeddy

Business contact: [email protected]

フォロー数:338 フォロワー数:29173

Someone needs to help build this monstrosity

0 6

This card needs to be added to the next core set, and maybe made neutral. So pointless to keep this one in Wild.

10 330

You might say I'm a bit crabby

0 21

The card nobody would be upset to see return in the next core set.

4 342

As a disciple of the man I am more than happy to represent him with this latest trend.

10 152

How did I not notice this artwork before, its so freaking cute!

1 91

Hey reddit I think you're drunk.

1 104

From I present to you Zedlinda Stonehearth. I sincerely apologize.

6 202

Courtesy of I present to you my portrait in the face of The Demon Seed.

4 106

United in Stormwind

8 390