

Hearthstone beta tester, Twitch partner, and most importantly Canadian twitch.tv/zeddy

Business contact: [email protected]

フォロー数:338 フォロワー数:29173

Day two stats appear to be trending a very certain way.

3 105

Today I return to ladder and I think reunite with an old friend.

0 95

Going face for 8 in 2021 vs going face for 8 in 2021.

6 164

I have to say Forged in the Barrens has been pretty sweet so far for Mage. Definitely my favorite Mage card of the set so far.

13 333

Deal one damage in 2016 vs deal one damage in 2021

1 119

Imagine if these were odd costed, Baku is crying somewhere.

0 112

With so many bad 5 drops leaving from Classic/Basic as well as through rotation (Obelisk, Chromatic Egg), Jandice is looking even more insane after rotation. She's already totally busted so maybe its time to make her summon 4 drops? The pool there is much more reasonable.

9 131

Its 2021 and Dr. "Balanced" is no longer named this ironically, he's actually just kind of that, balanced.

0 60