


フォロー数:45 フォロワー数:21

Llego tarde al drama, pero quería preguntarte

¿no crees que parte de la comunidad artística de twitter es hipócrita?

no me importan los edits, pero hemos llegado al punto en el q artistas son acusados y acosados por supuesto whitewashing aunque el artwork no sea whitewashing

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Artista coreano dibuja versión humana de Scar (rey león) y es acusado de whitewashing.

recordemos que scar es un león, es decir ni siquiera es humano, pero aun así acusan al artista de whitewashing 🙄🙄🙄

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this is not whitewashing, look at bruno's hair and clothes, it seems that he is in the fog

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I find it very hypocritical that there is even an event like blacktober that consists solely of changing the race of other characters, but as soon as an artist "makes a mistake" when coloring a character like nessa, the artist is harassed


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In these cases, the worst thing you can do is apologize.

Personally, the hypocrisy in this area bothers me, since even though whitewashing is frowned upon, blackwashing is celebrated.

If I am allowed to comment, I think Japan should be more vocal on this issue.

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And what about Asian artists? I mean every time they make a mistake when coloring a character that isn't even black (nessa,xinyan,kaeya,nagatoro) everyone harasses them
But blackwash Asian characters is totally fine, especially on blacktober
Is the pain of the Japanese not valid?

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