

it/he/she. prospit knight of space, intp 7w6. rt heavy!! nsfw + proship, endo dni. 🆓🍉

フォロー数:666 フォロワー数:1721

my shes insane and fucked up in the head

17 84

d-side designs but with my dnb ocs because i’m starting to see them

5 20

i forgot to post this a while back oopsie

6 25

its name is ANE and they are loaded with several bombs inside of itself

2 17

i’m so fuckig hungry dude

0 8

get me to 1000 followers… NOW!

0 1

the thing that roams at night and knocks on my window whenever im sound asleep

11 89

here’s a wip that i’m probably going to abandon in a few weeks

1 35