

it/he/she. prospit knight of space, intp 7w6. rt heavy!! nsfw + proship, endo dni. 🆓🍉

フォロー数:666 フォロワー数:1721

not feeling the best rn. so Takethis thing that i did

5 20

my fanart s!!!!!!!! 🤯🤯 pls pls add dfrpg pls or i die!!!! https://t.co/808BkmDoCK

10 58

hii my name is bin/brew and i’m aroace!! i usually draw fandom stuff along with doodles :^)

3 13

how i look with it/he pronouns in my bio

33 163

holay molay.... salev and oran as silly little humans.... 🤯

2 10

i should post these separately but ehh. nah

1 5

repost because there were like 2 spelling mistakes and i got embarrassed by them
characters by @/4666BLUEMOON

13 30

history is repeating itself /lh /j https://t.co/ca1WuibYx4

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