

Artist/Christian/Teacher. WIPs and not-quite-random thoughts.
Arxile on Tumblr and DA, arxile_ on Instagram.
Here be Protoss.

フォロー数:68 フォロワー数:64

There was a point in my shoebill obsession where I needed to stop, and I have clearly passed it.
But let's keep going and see what happens.

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Duelist 2. The last concept for this project, for now. Next step animating things? Maybe.

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Faithless Yongbing. Back on the

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legitimate businessman.jpg

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I'm Arx! I'm pretty small, you could say. I draw a lot of fantasy character art at the moment.

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Quickish painting of my in .

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Deserter Stratiot 2. Not especially happy with this, but that's kinda the point of concept speedpaints, isn't it?

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Fun fact: this was my original concept for Grozen's face. I think he looks a lot better now, although he has all the same defining characteristics.

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Agonisingly slow progress

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