

Artist/Christian/Teacher. WIPs and not-quite-random thoughts.
Arxile on Tumblr and DA, arxile_ on Instagram.
Here be Protoss.

フォロー数:68 フォロワー数:64

Fan skin: Guardian Seraph from . More than a little rough around the edges but it gets the idea across!

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Wheeeee WIP

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Little environment doodle thing.

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Warmup doodle - Mal'Damba from , as he might appear under the mask. Spirits join us!

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Painted for an art prompt. Self portrait with fantastical self-expressive elements.

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(The project in question being this steampunk Lian)

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Stylistic experimentation is important and all but I'd forgotten how much it sucks to be working in a way you're not used to.

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Tired and overworked right now, so here's a WIP steampunk Lian.

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Immortal / Plague Man from Twig. Happy stuff.

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