

why the life always have to be about evil and good? My name is @_felpi_ and I'm making a game called Caroline!

フォロー数:832 フォロワー数:854

Olá meu nome é Felipe e estou fazendo a arte de um joguinho chamado "Caroline"!! Também faço a programação e o design :)

7 21

Hey I am Felipe, a Brazilian developer from a very small city, I work in my own games. My current project is called "Caroline" and in it I do the art, programming, design, writing, marketing. I do not have much to show, but everything I have is done with affection!!

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New walking animation (I think I'm getting better)!!

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Hi , how's your project going? Mine is going super well (internal screaming)

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The scanner did a good effect

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Explaining the gameplay

>Your objective is saving the guy with the red "hat"
>But you don't have the power to eliminate the enemies just him
>When he kills he stay ? seconds without the power to attack again
>You can push the enemies to save his life

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