

Jaime A. Garcia
3D Character Artist
@StudiosofAether Kragg1 | Skins Guy
Vainglory | NickAnimations | RiskofRain2

フォロー数:280 フォロワー数:1147

Hello, I'm Jaime I'm a 3D Character Artist.

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"I'm Lucky"

"That's not a super power"

"..Yeah it is"😏

Balance has returned to my insta'wall...
now back to Bowser. For serious this time!😅

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Here's a little update on the Bowser sculpt:

I've been nonstop wrestling with the look and method for making these scales.
Starting to dig where it's at now.
Still got lots more to do and so little time🙃🏃‍♂️

10 64

Hey everyone!
It's been a while..took a little break..I swear I haven't forgotten about Klungo.
Here's the final sculpt. Should have him done by the end of the week.🤞

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Sculpts are out of the way..wrestled with that broom for a bit longer than I wanted, but It's over😌
Next up, everyone's favorite part: RETOPO TIME🙃

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