

⭐️CHIPS HERE | She/her | 中文 & simple Eng 🆗 | 🎨Draw some fun things

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Some fun things from Shoto’s first stream on YouTube!!!
I’m bit nervous since it’s also my first time to upload drawing on Twitter, hope u guys like this 💜
It’s already midnight here, good night <3

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Missing Nina mama, too!!!!!!!!!! I just woke up and can watch ur stream, it’s a great beginning of a new day ❣️❣️❣️❣️

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I thought u would like soda more

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We love u, too my lord 😭❤️❤️ That’s a great and SEISO stream!!!!!! We knew u was nervous, and because the word limit, we can only type few words ; ; But our love can’t be limited by it. 爱你,my lord

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I can even help u to warm ur bed

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So that u can ……

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