

⭐️CHIPS HERE | She/her | 中文 & simple Eng 🆗 | 🎨Draw some fun things

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Okay……”Smart lil brain”

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Everyday nina mama is like: hehehehehehehehehe……

0 12

It’s okay nina mama. The point is that u need to take a good care of yourself ; ;……We love you and we’ll always be your side

0 13

Next time bring me so that u wouldn’t feel awkward

0 38

With your new PC!!!!!!!

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The day I opened up the memory's door.~~🎵

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Can I live there for only one night 🥺🥺 I can pay you by my heart , my lord

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God bless you my babe….😭 I’ve been locked in school for several weeks and I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown…..

0 16

I HATE TIME DIFFERENCE ……用boss的booba创死我吧呃呜呜呜

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