

Fact: 9 out of 10 of you were creative genius at age 5? Non-creativity is a learned trait. Awaken your inner child-prodigy. Create #art for life!

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Goodnight friends, I love you, see you tomorrow 🙏

18 100

Good morning, it's Monday! Time to tame the beast, or eliminate it altogether if it refuses to get out of the way🔥
God bless and keep each one of you friends. Have a great start to your week.💞🙏💯

12 59

Good night friends🫂💤💙🙏

10 73

What lies behind you and what lies in front of you pales in comparison to what lies inside of you. -Ralph Waldo Emerson

You got this!

15 49

TGIF! I hope it goes by quickly🌞💯😅❤️

12 79

Goodnight y'all💤💙💤

18 94

Well crud, I have to go to work, have a great day twitter family and friends, see you later🌞🔥💯💞

"eye on it"

23 69

Good morning friends, my thought for the day:
Just as music gives sound to the soul,
so colors give it sight. May your day be filled with both🙏🌞🫶

18 72

Good Monday friends, it's a brand new week with unlimited creative possibilities.


12 75