

Fact: 9 out of 10 of you were creative genius at age 5? Non-creativity is a learned trait. Awaken your inner child-prodigy. Create #art for life!

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Bedtime for me, I love you guys, see you in the morning💤💙🫂🙏

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Happy Wednesday hump day twitter family. I am out the door for work today, see y'all later✌️

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Goodnight frens, God bless and keep each of you. See you tomorrow💙🫂😇💤

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Life is a painting, and you are the artist. You have on your palette all the colors in the spectrum - the same ones available to Michelangelo and DaVinci.
-Paul J. Meyer

Good morning Monday tribe🫶🔥

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Long day but wanted to say goodnight friends💤💞

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I have been out quite a bit the last few days, I hope all is well with you friends. I love you, God bless and keep each one of you. Good night💤❤️💙🫂💤

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Have a spectacular Monday friends, I am off to do that "work" thing again. Love you all💞🙏🫂

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Good morning, my thought for the day:
we are not a measure of the sum of our mistakes, but rather the wisdom gained in overcoming them. Run towards every obstacle with a smile... show them how it's done!
God bless and keep you friend💞🫂🙏☀️


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Absolutely beautiful artwork Ms. Marie💞☀️🔥🫂🙏 Thank you for the tag, I will tag

"under the sea"

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Happy Tuesday💞🙏☀️🔥

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