Twit! 🌟さんのプロフィール画像

Twit! 🌟さんのイラストまとめ

|| oc content w/ occasional fandom stuff || dni➡️ pr0ship, ns/fw, NF,Ts, I/A, etc ||

フォロー数:646 フォロワー数:354

Everyone I draw has been so fine recently????? Like wowww

4 12

y does my art style change sm omg….

5 10

They’re in a library ur honor (oc-> Andre)

5 8

ive been paining over this drawing (v v slowly might i add) bc i hated the og but uh idk how to paint hands🧍🏾🧍🏾😭

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pauseeeee….. at least he got an upgrade…. tf was that line art…

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i deleted most of my old drawings tho… (digital at least..)

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non-fuzzy version!!

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theres smthing abt thin line art that makes my art look ultra wonky
Nathaniel —-> Xavier

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