

🎨 Painting is silent poetry, and Poetry is painting that speaks 🍂🍃

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Light and shadow played
Across the building outside
And within me too

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🎨 Stephan Duquesnoy

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🎨 Stephan Duquesnoy

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Let us learn to show our friendship for a man
When he is alive and not after he is dead.

F. Scott Fitzgerald

🎨 Sergio Cerchi

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Some will open your heart,
Others will open your eyes.

C.C. Aurel

🎨 Justine Florentino

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We revisit old feelings
For the same reason-
We re-read books.

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Do not stand in a place of danger,
Trusting in miracles.

African Proverb

🎨 Jenni Pasanen

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Don’t sit and wait.
Get out there,
Feel life.


🎨 Sergio Cerchi

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We read the world wrong,
And say that .. it deceives us.

Ravindranath Tagore

🎨 Alexis Marga

1 7

Everything flows, nothing stands still.


🎨 J. Hunsung

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