

🎨 Painting is silent poetry, and Poetry is painting that speaks 🍂🍃

フォロー数:1868 フォロワー数:3689

Two people can sleep in the same bed,
And still be alone when they close their eyes.

Haruki Murakami

5 43

Once it has taken root in your heart,
Hatred is the most difficult thing
In the world to shake off.

Haruki Murakami

🎨 Jenni Pasanen

0 4

🎨 J. Hunsung / Watercolor

0 4

Life isn’t binary
There is everything in between
Not just two extremes.

2 14

I write the words as I see it
Through a fractured mind,
And a broken heart.

Renata Suzuki

🎨 Jenni Pasanen

1 4

The past is never gone,
It simply lies beyond reach.
A moment becomes a memory.
The tangible becomes ethereal.
And now becomes forever.

Renata Suzuki

🎨 Jenni Pasanen

0 5

Even in the dark soil
A seed is becoming
Something beautiful

2 8

Talk like summer breezes
Love like ripe flowers.

Anaïs Nin

0 4