

Hi !!! pls follow @decaf000 !!! thank u ♡

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litol dinosawr!!!! 🦖

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going on a personal adventure, fren? Pls b safe!

1 34

Idk what is going on in ur life but i hope something good will happen to u soon. Keep fighting champ!!

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anotha doodle, gudnight

0 12

am tried out krita for 1st time
big ty to my amazing husband for giving me computer, ilu ♥

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a happy tree friend ♡

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Hmmmm dunnoooo.. but my stuffed fren said he would like too hehe
But hes shy pls b careful

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bekfest tiem!!!! <3

0 11

hai!!!!! im using my bfs laptop to draw lol

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am draw a birfday bune because is my birfday today! wohoo!! 🎈🍰
now am big girl

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