

Hi !!! pls follow @decaf000 !!! thank u ♡

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drawing on my bfs laptop is fun fun fun hehe
hes so generous with me, i dontr deserve him

0 18

>tfw u look at ppls art and watch them interact and u wan follow them and b their friend but ur scared they hate u and think u r annoying, so u stalk them from distance

1 23

gunbuster pilot ⭐

1 9

Iv been at five guys again and dis time i sat dowm 2 eat and i got a bacon burgor all the way and a banan milkshake
I also got a dreenk and thEY HAD RASPBERRY COKE!!!! I will def go again, ilu five guys

0 5

today i ate my very first five guys burger and it was great hehe
the burgr was beeg
i only wish they didnt wrap every single burgar in foil
cant wait 2 try more

3 20

i love my mommy and daddy i wish they would stop yelling

1 6

Buni but more humin

0 6

Wen papa talks to u in a slightly different tone

0 2

crimson and clover honey
over and over honey

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