

erotic writer/poet | #erotica | #shortstories | #poetry🌙 words © me

フォロー数:2181 フォロワー数:2010

I couldn't sleep
so I conspired
with the moon
telling her all
my darkest secrets
to make her blush
and swoon

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Foes impending
Fingers caress bowstrings
Moonlight bending
Into weaponry
Her wolf wild heart
In search of ecstacy
Lips parted
Slight quavering
Yet trajectory unwavering
Celestial arrow soaring
A goddess of the hunt
The first shot a warning

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to believe
inhale words
exhale stories

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Struck by her venom
lightening mind
her blows left me
almost blind
Wondering if I
really knew her at all
I try finding lost whispers
stories & lyrics chronicling
her angelic fall
Hoping for an antidote
but knowing
she must have me
irrevocably enthralled

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I knew it was time
to let go
of the
paper airplanes
we made

let the memories
melt away

let our love letters
float down
the drain

on scattered winds
I'll soar again

after I unfold
& smooth
the creases
you left
on my
origami brain

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It's really quite moronic
how quickly you rescued me
from a wolf
with teeth gnawing
and snapping
within me through the pages of
my own silly little

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