

Personal account of Ham radio operator AI6YR (Ben). Active during disasters. and (at)ai6yr(at)m(dot)ai6yr(dot)org over at the furry pachyderm.

フォロー数:1667 フォロワー数:41822

HRRR weather model off Fort Myers, FL tomorrow.

1 30

Yeah, I could tell you the watering habits of everyone in the city. Probably un-necessary.

0 4

Imagine Dragon, Bones. Wall Street. I may be a building off left or right.

0 7

RH in my neighborhood... near 100% (but, no rain).

0 1

This is pretty neat. The bright blue spot on the upper right here is right near where the city capped a seep in the median... clearly the folks who live there are benefiting from their yard being naturally watered.. Runoff goes to the left down an arroyo.

0 26

How many tons is one of those? You could surf on one (you'd probably die.... but...)

1 18

"8-17 degrees F above normal" this week in Spokane, Washington.

7 24

If life gives you a pest infestation, start a cochineal farm?

5 63